The best selling gadget and smartphone, iPhone 5 coming soon in a new Avatar to rule the world market. According to the rumors Apple’ s iPhone 6 with A8 processor and wraparound screen display will launch in Q1 between January to March priced under Rs 50000 while the other hands some website claims iPhone 6 will launch in June 2014. How ever no confirmation of pricing and release date from Apple.
The upcoming iPhone 6 will offers you improved user interface without any home screen button. runs on latest Apple iOS 7 comes with a 4.8 inch full HD resolution, 3D technology and retina+ wraparound AMOLED screen display powered by a Apple’s A8 quad core processor with an expected clock speed of up to 1.8 GHz sporting a 13mp camera with 128GB storage like iPad 3.
- Display 4.8 inch Retina+ Sharp IGZO AMOLED display and 1080p Full HD resolution
- OS Apple iOS 7 with iCloud
- Processor A8 quad core processor
- Memory 128GB storage
- Camera 13MP
- Models 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB
- Siri, Air Play and Air Print
- Wireless charging
- 3D Technology
- NFC capability
- Touch ID fingerprint sensor
- More colors and 4G LTE
At last I would like to say that upcoming iPhone 6 going to be the best selling gadget of the era. What you think? Please be open to give your view.
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